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Natural Awakenings SW PA, Greater Pittsburgh

The Last American Hammer

Feb 07, 2020 03:37PM ● By Michelle Dalnoky

The Last American Hammer (Pittsburgh Opera Headquarters, Strip District; Sat., Feb. 22, 2020, 8:00 PM; Tues., Feb. 25, 7:00 PM; Fri., Feb. 28, 7:30 PM; Sun., March 1, 2:00 PM). Armed with “the Last American Hammer” to roll off the line of the now-closed factory the supplied his livelihood, conspiracy theorist Milcom Negley has taken a stand at a rural Toby jug museum. Mannered curator Tink Enraught and rookie FBI agent Dee Dee Reyes are entangled in his theatrics as he uses the mugs to stage a proxy trial of the U.S. government for abandoning its people.

Also: REMINDER: Tomorrow is the February Brown Bag Concert, February 8 from Noon to 1 PM at Pittsburgh Opera Headquarters. The performance takes place in the George R. White studio at Pittsburgh Opera Headquarters, 2425 Liberty Avenue in the Strip. It's free and open to everyone. Bring a friend and bring a lunch! Meet the Resident Artists afterward in an informal reception.