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Natural Awakenings SW PA, Greater Pittsburgh

Strategies to Prevent Diabetes

Healthy Prevention for Type 2 Diabetes


Nutrition Tips from Brenda Davis, Registered Dietician and Nutritionist

The foundation of the diet should be whole-plant foods—organic, whenever possible—deriving the vast majority of calories from vegetables, legumes, fruits, intact whole grains, nuts and seeds, which are rich in protective components, such as fiber, phytochemicals and antioxidants. 
Eliminate or minimize inflammatory items, including fatty dairy products like cheese and ice cream, ultra-processed and fried foods, refined carbohydrates like sugar and white flour, alcohol and meat—especially red and processed varieties. Avoid all sugar-containing beverages. 

Holistic Reminders from Lauren Bongiorno, Diabetes Health Coach

“All areas of our lives are linked together, and if one area is depleted, it’s going to impact your ability to thrive in the others. The 8 pillars of diabetes wellness within my practice are exercise, diet, sleep, stress, self-love, relationships, energy and diabetes management. For improved blood sugar management and sustainable habit changes, you must identify where you are least fulfilled and work to fill that gap.”

Inspiration from Nicki Steinberger, Ph.D.

“The area where we are most vulnerable, without a doubt, is our own toxic thoughts. Because our thoughts and beliefs trigger emotions which lead us to action and non-action, mindset is the first place to investigate to understand the results of our lives.”

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Preventing Type 2 Diabetes: Natural Lifestyle Choices to Curb the Disease

Research-backed lifestyle strategies, including healthy diet, exercise, herbs and sleep, that can help to lower the risk and harm of diabetes. Read More »