10 Mindfulness Tips for Teens
Oct 29, 2021 09:30AM ● By Erin Lehn
1. Stop what you’re doing and count your breaths to 10.
2. Devote your awareness to more of the pleasant and beneficial moments in your day.
3. Accomplish only one task at a time. You will be more productive than if you split your attention to multiple tasks.
4. Start a daily gratitude journal. Each day, consider the big things you’re grateful for, like your family, friends, health or home. Also, don’t forget the little things you’re thankful for, such as a cup of coffee or a hug.
5. Get some form of exercise every day. Even a 15-minute walk can do wonders for the mind.
6. Spend time outdoors enjoying nature. Notice the power of grounding by paying attention to your feet on the ground.
7. Begin a daily mindfulness practice. Start with 10 minutes and work your way up.
8. Commit to a nourishing self-care routine with a caveat to set incremental goals you can accomplish. You do not have to overdo it.
9. Acknowledge the positive qualities of your family, friends and others in your inner circle. Let them know how much they mean to you. Let them know you see them and hear them.
10. Carve out daily enrichment time such as learning an instrument or creating artwork. Bring mindful attention, paying notice to your five senses, to anything you do in your daily life.
Tips courtesy of Gina Biegel, CEO and founder of Stressed Teens; Jem Shackleford, head of curricula for Mindfulness in Schools Project; and Tris Thorp, author and coach.

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