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In Search of the Healthiest Diet: Sustenance and Habits Inspired by Blue Zones

Jul 31, 2024 09:28AM ● By Maya Whitman
community eating around a table

KatarzynaBialasiewicz from Getty Images Pro/CanvaPro

The average life expectancy is 77.5 years in the United States, but residents of the Seventh-Day Adventist city, Loma Linda, California, are outliving the rest of the country by 10 years. Like other regions of the world classified as Blue Zones, Loma Linda’s soil and water aren’t sprinkled with magic, but daily lifestyle and dietary habits might be key contributing factors.

Coined by National Geographic explorer and researcher Dan Buettner, the term “Blue Zones” is bestowed upon intriguing corners of the world where people reach their ninth decade and beyond without suffering from chronic illness and disease. While no definitive formula for longevity exists in Loma Linda or any of the other four Blue Zones—Nuoro Province, Sardinia, Italy; Nicoya Peninsula, Costa Rica; Okinawa, Japan; and Ikaria, Greece—commonalities include staying physically active, eating unprocessed food and enjoying a vibrant social network.

“By prioritizing physical activity, encouraging plant-based diets and creating spaces that promote social interactions, communities can reduce the incidence of chronic diseases and improve overall well-being,” says Buettner, author of The Blue Zones Kitchen, who found his life’s work traveling the world in search of centenarian secrets.


Delicious Simplicity

In 2023, JAMA Internal Medicine published the findings of a long-term study involving more than 75,000 women and 44,000 men over 36 years, which determined that adherence to one of four plant-based and Mediterranean dietary patterns can lower the risk of premature death. All of the dietary guidelines in this study included whole grains, fruits, vegetables, nuts and legumes. Growing evidence suggests that nutrient-dense, unprocessed meals play a major role in reducing inflammation and oxidative stress, which can contribute to cardiovascular disease, cancer and diabetes.

“Diets in Blue Zones are predominantly plant-based, with a heavy emphasis on vegetables, fruits, legumes and whole grains. They also eat a variety of beans, which are a staple in their diets and an excellent source of protein and fiber,” Buettner points out, adding that moderate portion sizes, unhurried mealtime and leaving the table when 80 percent full are also highlights of the Blue Zone lifestyle. 

Anna Freedman, a natural food chef, educator and founder of Wholefood Harmony, in London, England, specializes in a health-supporting macrobiotic approach based on ancient Japanese philosophy and developed in the 1920s by George Ohsawa. She says, “Whole foods are essential to health and longevity. Plants capture the sun’s energy, so consuming vegetables, fruits, legumes and grains bestows both nutrition and vibrancy upon the body. These foods are alkalizing and directly nourish the cells, restoring the blood quality and supporting health and longevity.”

Macrobiotic favorites like lentils, chickpeas, whole grains and dark, leafy greens echo Blue Zone dietary models and are believed to promote overall systemic balance. The macrobiotic approach, adds Freedman, “can be adjusted to focus on improving a certain health condition or adapted to meet climate, phase of life or another factor.” In her work with clients, she encourages the consumption of a wide range of plant ingredients and cooking styles, and even incorporates certain animal proteins, to accommodate client preferences.

Diets that seek to promote a longer, healthier life usually include powerhouse ingredients such as naturally fermented sauerkraut and kimchi, legumes like lentils and split peas, and whole grains, especially barley, millet and oats.


Social Sustenance

In our modern world, feelings of isolation are reaching epidemic proportions, and in the medical community, loneliness is now seen as a risk factor for mortality that is equal to the effects of obesity, smoking or a sedentary lifestyle. Through Blue Zone research, it is understood that emotional nourishment is vital to good health. According to Buettner, “In Blue Zones, people often engage in regular social interactions, whether it’s through communal meals, faith-based gatherings or simply spending time with neighbors and family.” A table of delicious food surrounded by loved ones is an inspiring way to eat and age gracefully.

For Gladys McGarey M.D., cofounder of the American Holistic Medical Association, who is still practicing medicine at 103 years of age, our thoughts are also a form of nourishment. “What we feed our minds grows and lives, and we become it,” says the author of the bestseller The Well- Lived Life. “It has to do with love, the whole process of life. Love must be shared to flow, and life is the same. We must not only create community, but live it.”

Freedman sums it up saying, “Eating and togetherness is a key feature of humanity, which is alarmingly in sharp decline. Food was always meant to be enjoyed together, and doing so serves up much more than simply nutrition.”

Maya Whitman is a frequent writer for Natural Awakenings magazine.


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