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Natural Awakenings SW PA, Greater Pittsburgh

You Are Not Alone: The Impact of Bullying (Webinar Panel Discussion)

Throughout North America, there have been more and more reports of bullying. Learn more.

Throughout North America, there have been more and more reports of bullying. This includes instances of the suicide of bullying victims, and, occasionally, of bloody revenge taken by adolescents who have suffered ostracization.

Three questions need to be asked: Who gets bullied? Who does the bullying? And what gives rise to this group aggression? The answers are to be found in the relationships — or non-relationships — of children with the adults in their world. Not so paradoxically, bullies are also disconnected from emotionally relevant adults. The fundamental source of their anger — what the U.S. poet and cultural guru Robert Bly has aptly called “the deepening rage of the unparented.”

This month, our featured panelist is Mai Nguyen. Mai was born and raised in Hanoi Vietnam. With a Masters degree in Healthcare Management at Chatham University in Pittsburgh in 2013, she has directed her career toward social work and mental health. She has done profound research on trauma, particularly the approach Compassionate Inquiry which is developed and taught by Dr. Gabor Mate. For Mai, this approach has opened up a pathway to a better critical understanding on mental health problems and hence the significance of trauma-informed care.

In these monthly conversations, YANA panelists share stories of their own personal journey, as well as provide resources and tools to help individuals reclaim their lives after trauma. We believe that sharing our personal stories of survival and holistic techniques can support you in the sacred process of reclaiming yourself in healing. You deserve to be respected and heard!

This is a Zoom webinar, not a meeting, to maintain anonymity of our attendees so audience is not seen. With chat you can ask questions and be invited to unmute if you desire.

$5 Donation requested. Registered attendees also receive a complimentary replay within 48 hours of the broadcast.


Date & Time

September 9, 2024

6:30PM - 8:00PM